Endless Possibilities, Immersive Environment, One Network.

KnightRage's Vision

Some key features that make us stand out from the rest!


At KnightRage Networks, we are always actively looking for potential staff who are committed to the improvement and sustainability of our servers in order to ensure that every member has a fair and enjoyable experience. We pride ourselves on equal opportunities for all members of the network. We pride ourselves on giving back to the community by being part of the community ourselves. Every staff member that we recruit receives an equal opportunity to be able to improve not only themselves, but the people around them as well.


The Management team of KnightRage Networks actively scans through the network and it's staff in order to help actively monitor stability and professionalism within the network. They also continuously look for every single opportunity to build the next leader of the network's recruitment, mentoring, administration, and intelligence. We strive to create a network where the people truly are the leaders.


To actively monitor network professionalism and stability, management actively scans the network and its staff. Your feedback has the potential to lay the groundwork for future and innovative content by enabling us to identify potential leaders in the fields of intelligence, recruitment, mentoring, and administration. In our network, we work hard to make sure that the users themselves are the real leaders.

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